
Show notes

In the second episode of Henrik Enderlein Fellow Besa Shahini’s podcast miniseries exploring the EU accession process in the Western Balkans and the lessons for EU enlargement policy, she discusses the EU’s rule of law focus within candidate countries, based on the example of Albania, with Dr Andi Hoxhaj OBE, Lecturer in Law at University College London.

The rule of law is not only a precondition for EU accession but has become the cornerstone of EU-Western Balkan relations. Together with Dr Hoxhaj, who was appointed as an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the New Year Honours List 2024 for his contributions to UK and Albania relations, Besa Shahini inquires what lessons can be drawn from the Albanian example and its rule of law reform. Assessing the process Albania has undergone so far and where it stands today, as well as the merits and shortcomings of its special anti-corruption structure (SPAK). They discuss why Albania, as the seeming reformer, is still stuck on its path to EU accession and how to guarantee respect for the rule of law not only in candidate countries but also beyond member states’ accession to the EU.

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