
Show notes

In the fifth episode of Henrik Enderlein Fellow Besa Shahini’s podcast miniseries exploring the EU accession process in the Western Balkans and the lessons for EU enlargement policy, she asks if Montenegro, the current accession front-runner, could break away from the Western Balkan Six and serve as a model for EU accession policy and practice. She is joined by Frauke Seebass, “Balkan Hub” project manager at the German Council on Foreign Relations and Jovana Marović, former deputy prime minister and former minister of European affairs in Montenegro.

Since gaining independence in 2006 and EU “candidate country” status in 2010, Montenegro is considered the front-runner among Western Balkan states in the European integration process and is expected to become the next European member state. Together with Frauke Seebass, “Balkan Hub” project manager at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) and Jovana Marović, member of Balkans in Europe Policy Group and former deputy prime minister and former minister of European affairs in Montenegro, she explores the current state of Montenegro’s accession progress and how it could inspire other countries in the Western Balkan region to progress with their reforms.

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