
Show notes

In the seventh of Henrik Enderlein Fellow Besa Shahini’s podcast miniseries exploring the EU accession process in the Western Balkans and the lessons for EU enlargement policy, she is joined by Milena Mihajlović, co-founder and programme director of the European Policy Centre (CEP) to discuss Serbia’s path to EU accession and the Belgrade-based think tank’s proposals aiming to improve and give momentum to the EU accession process.

Recent developments in Serbia, marked by democratic setbacks, have raised concerns about double standards and inconsistencies in upholding accession standards across all candidate countries. Equally of concern is Serbia’s unresolved relationship with Kosovo, which has been obstructing deeper regional relations among Western Balkan states and barring the way to EU accession. In this episode, Besa Shahini talks to Milena Mihajlović, co-founder and programme director of the Belgrade-based think tank European Policy Centre (CEP), about Serbia’s progress towards EU accession. They discuss her think tank’s proposal of “staged accession” and the need for a consistent methodology in the accession process to guarantee a unified approach across all candidate countries.

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